In May 2019, World of Wonder debuted Werq the World, a 10-episode docu-series filmed and directed by Jasper Rischen. It presents behind-the-scenes looks at the lives of the performers who were on the 2018 European leg of the tour, with each episode profiling a different queen.
Directed by Jasper Rischen
Produced by World of Wonder Productions
Filmed by Jasper Rischen and Saila Huusko
Edited by Jasper Rischen
Episode 1: Aquaria
Episode 2: Valentina
Episode 3: Kim Chi
Episode 4: Latrice Royale
Episode 5: Violet Chachki
Episode 6: Detox
Episode 7: Kennedy Davenport
Episode 8: Sharon Needles
Episode 9: Alyssa Edwards
Episode 10: The Crew
Episode 11: Shangela